Raw Natural Cleaning Ingredients

Kick the nasty chemicals and make your own natural, effective cleaning products just like Grandma used. There is no need for toxic chemicals in the home, and making your own products like laundry powder or surface spray is quick, easy and satisfying.

Activated Charcoal Powder - Food Grade

by Eco Warehouse
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Activated charcoal also known as activated carbon is a highly porous, negatively charged substance with an enormous surface area comparative to its apparent size. 


It is a powerful detoxifier attracting, adsorbing and removing chemicals, gases, toxins, poisons, drugs or pollutants, from the body. Positively charged ‘free radicals’ are attracted to the surface of the negatively charged charcoal. 


Due to micro-pores not visible to the naked eye the surface area of the Activated Carbon is immensely greater than what it appears. The greater the surface area the greater the absorbency. One teaspoon of activated charcoal powder has about the same surface area as a football field meaning it can adsorb a huge amount of toxins. 


Our charcoal is derived from used organic coconut shells.